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My Story

What Makes Me Tick

I have always had a strong, intrinsic urge to put pen to paper and as a child and youth was a definite bookworm.  Other artisitic endeavours are also a passion such as painting, photography and pottery.  While Highland Dancing was a big part of my life for many years, as a dancer, teacher and choreographer.  But I always come back to the writing- it is a magnet pulling me in. 

Born and raised in northern Nova Scotia, I grew up along the shores of the Northumberland Strait in a tiny fishing village called Lismore.  From our house, you could see the cobalt blue ocean every day, feel the salt water breeze in your hair and hear the lullaby of trees swaying. My ancestors come primarily from England, Ireland, Scotland and Wales according to DNA tests with sparse evidence of Spain, Denmark and some Scandanavian countries.  As far back in my family tree  as I can go includes sea captains, ship builders, coal miners, seamstresses and light house keepers. The love of the sea is in my DNA. It nourishes my soul and strengthens the spirit.   My career has  entailed communications, public relations and marketing across the sectors of secondary education, municipal govenrment, tourism and currently health care.  And I have loved every minute of it - being part of close knit communities. Telling authentic stories is a great privilege. 

I hold a Bachelor of Arts in English Literature and a BEd from St. Francis Xavier University in Antigonish, NS and a community development leadership certification from St. Mary's University in Halifax.  My husband, our son, and our Golden Retriever and Black Labrador Retriever puppies reside in the riverside town of New Glasgow and in the region of Pictou County, which is a community of creatives and entrepreneurs.  We are blessed to be near family and are never far from the sea no matter the season, whether at home or travelling. 




Breezy and Kim at Merbie.JPG
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